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The career opportunities in data science, big data, and data analytics are growing dramatically. If you're interested in changing career paths, determining the right course of study, or deciding if certification is worth your time, check out this course with information science and technology professor Jungwoo Ryoo.

Explore the history of data science and its subfields, their roles in the marketplace, and the five main skills that you need to know to succeed: data mining, machine learning, natural language processing, statistics, and visualization. Learn about potential roles, career opportunities, ethics, and professional development. And get tips on the leading industry-recognized certifications that can set you apart in the field. Along the way, Jungwoo gathers testimony and shares real-world insights from data science professionals at various stages in their careers.

Учебный планОзнакомься с программой курса.
Defining data science
Future of data science
Voices from the field
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  • Jungwoo Ryoo
    Teaches IT, cybersecurity, and risk analysis at Penn State
    A professor of information sciences and technology (IST) at the Pennsylvania State University (Altoona College). He is a graduate and affiliated faculty member of the College of Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State.
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