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Generative AI tools have made a big impact on business in a short period of time. Many people are using them to make their jobs easier and to help them produce even better work. But it can be hard to know where to begin. Join Dave Birss, innovator and AI expert, as he practically demonstrates how to collaborate with AI tools in the best way. He shares a framework to help you understand how you can incorporate AI into your everyday tasks. He also shares a number of useful prompts that can streamline tasks and help you achieve even better results.

Учебный планОзнакомься с программой курса.
Your approach to using Al in business
Al prompts to make your job easier
Al prompts to help make your work better
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  • Dave Birss
    Creative expert
    An expert who helps people and organizations boost their creativity and innovation. He is currently working on a handful of films and books.
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