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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the foundation of website and web application development. It allows you to ensure that your content is understood by both segments of your audience: the people who watch, read, or listen to your content, and the computers that display it. In this course, learn how to craft excellent HTML with the pieces that HTML itself has to offer. Instructor Jen Simmons highlights all of the fundamental concepts you need to use HTML thoughtfully. She focuses on semantic markup: tagging content as what it is, and not just for formatting, convention, or convenience. This has far-reaching impact for those who consume the web differently; it ensures that when a screen reader or a system (like a search engine) consumes a page, it knows exactly what it contains and how to categorize that information.

Цели обучения

  • The basic syntax of HTML elements
  • Formatting content
  • Displaying images
  • Creating links
  • Global HTML attributes
  • Building navigation
  • Structuring content
  • Building forms
  • Creating tables
Мишень для дартса с двумя дротиками, попавшими в 6 и 9.
Учебный планОзнакомься с программой курса.
Formatting text
Understanding the power of HTML
Linking and navigation
Images and graphics
More ways to identify content
Putting it all together
Forms and interactive elements
Structuring tabular data
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  • Jen Simmons
    Designer and developer advocate at Mozilla
    A member of the CSS Working Group who has been creating websites since 1996. She provides a mix of design and front-end development services.
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