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In business, small talk can have a significant impact. Casual and seemingly unimportant conversations can open doors to friendships, better working relationships, and even new career opportunities. In this course, Liesje Sandler, an English coach at Speexx, teaches how to engage in small talk effectively and successfully. Get tips on how to break the ice and advice on how to start, keep, and end conversations.

This course is part of a Business English for Non-Native Speakers series aimed at anyone with a basic knowledge of English who wants to improve their business English skills.

Учебный планОзнакомься с программой курса.
Small talk foundations
Dealing with the language barrier
Starting small talk
Keeping the conversation going
Ending small talk
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  • Liesje Sandler
    English teacher and ELT author
    An online-coach and author with more than 10 years of business English teaching experience.
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