Я в делеIcon.svg
Два человека в рубашках сидят за столом с открытыми ноутбуками и пишут карандашами в блокноте. На столе также лежат две ручки.


Bug writing and management are critical to software development. Quality managers, developers, and everyone else associated with a product’s launch are deeply invested in the process. Bad bugs — those with inaccurate or unclear information — lead to a lot of wasted time and effort. However, when bugs are well written and managed properly, the project runs smoother and faster. This course teaches best practices for identifying, writing, and tracking bugs discovered during software testing. Learn how to recognize, classify, and document issues, as well as monitor, maintain, and eventually close reported bugs in a tracking system like Jira. Instructor Mike Fine — a senior test manager with over 25 years of experience — provides a concise and practical guide to bug reporting, so that the information you submit is meaningful and useful to developers.

Цели обучения

  • Identifying bugs
  • Writing effective bugs
  • Avoiding common bug reporting issues
  • Using a bug tracking system
  • Closing and archiving bugs
Мишень для дартса с двумя дротиками, попавшими в 6 и 9.
Учебный планОзнакомься с программой курса.
Writing effective bugs
Managing bugs
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  • Mike Fine
    Founder, director, and senior test manager at Centercode
    An expert who has been involved in test programs for over 25 years. He has conducted and managed more than 1000 projects, wrote three books, and cultivated expertise in product development, quality, sales, testing, customer validation, service, and customer experience.
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