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The SQL programming language opens the door to deeper and more efficient software testing. SQL allows testers to examine the back end of application, automate testing through scripting, and simplify and speed up data generation. This course provides a quick-start guide to database testing with SQL. Dave Westerveld shows how to choose the right tools, set up a local site, and start validating data using simple SQL table joins. Next, you can learn how to generate test data by creating, updating, and deleting table entries. Finally, learn how to test SQL queries and find bugs in transactions, implement field constraints to prevent future bugs, and use schema validation to improve the quality of your application. Plus, find out how to prevent unauthorized access to data and measure the runtime of your queries to make sure you’re not impeding database performance.

Цели обучения

  • Getting set up with the tools you need
  • Writing SQL queries
  • Validating workflows and data with SQL
  • Generating test data with SQL
  • Finding bugs in transactions
  • Validating schema
  • Security and performance testing
Мишень для дартса с двумя дротиками, попавшими в 6 и 9.
Учебный планОзнакомься с программой курса.
Getting started
Using SQL for validation
Using SQL for data generation
Testing SQL queries
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  • Dave Westerveld
    Test developer with many years of testing experience
    A test developer at D2L, the world’s first integrated learning platform, and an instructor, excited to be sharing his knowledge of testing. He excels at solving automation problems in a team environment and has been involved in traditional automation initiatives at various stages.
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