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Do you want to become a web developer? Nowadays, web development isn’t one job. There is a range of technologies and career options to explore. The core responsibilities are split two ways — between front-end developers who specialize in websites and applications and back-end developers who work with servers and databases — but you can also become a full-stack developer who oversees all aspects of a project. This course provides a map of the core technologies and advice about mastering them, complemented with the details you need to connect them to jobs. Senior staff author Ray Villalobos also provides tips on finding training, getting hired, and maximizing your earning potential in this lucrative and exciting field.

Цели обучения

  • Types of web developers
  • The role of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Server technologies
  • Getting web development training
  • Choosing the right tools
  • Getting a job
  • Negotiating your salary
Мишень для дартса с двумя дротиками, попавшими в 6 и 9.
Учебный планОзнакомься с программой курса.
A developer’s life
Core technologies
Core concepts
Supporting technologies
Getting a job
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  • Ray Villalobos
    Senior staff instructor at LinkedIn Learning
    A full-stack design/development teacher and senior staff instructor at LinkedIn Learning, whose courses are focused on front-end design and development topics such as JavaScript, AngularJS, React, Sass, and frameworks like Bootstrap.
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