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Learn how to write a well-constructed business report. In this course, author and senior Kelley School of Business lecturer Judy Steiner-Williams outlines the different types of business reports and then provides guidance on how to write your own from cover letter to concluding sentence. Follow Judy as she researches her topic, crafts her opening, builds an executive summary, drafts copy, and adds illustrations and appendices. After watching this course, you'll have a better idea how to draft a report that meets your organization’s needs.

Цели обучения

  • Differentiate between formal and informal reports.
  • Write an effective transmittal.
  • Identify when to use an appendix and what to include.
  • Cite the purpose of a tentative outline and create one for a report.
  • Clarify and emphasize data with report graphics.
  • Distinguish between primary and secondary research.
  • Explain how to incorporate graphics in a report.
  • Write a tentative outline.
Мишень для дартса с двумя дротиками, попавшими в 6 и 9.
Учебный планОзнакомься с программой курса.
Examining types of business reports
Exploring the parts of a report
Preparing to write
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  • Judy Steiner-Williams
    Senior lecturer at Kelley Business School
    A teacher of writing and business communication in English. During her 30-plus year tenure at Indiana University, Judy has taught both students and support staff.
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