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Plain English is writing that is clear and straightforward, targeted at the appropriate reading level, and free of jargon, wordiness, and clichés. It is also the standard for all business and government communication in the US. In this course, writing instructor Judy Steiner-Williams explains the characteristics of plain English and the importance of learning to write clearly, and introduces some online tools you can use to analyze your own writing. She outlines 11 rules to make your writing clear and plain, provides exercises to refine your skills, and offers suggestions for revising your work to ensure it is easily understood.

If you can write in plain English, you can save time, save money, and save face in communications. Start watching to learn how to make your writing more “plain”: stronger, clearer, and more concise.

Цели обучения

  • Explain how to make your writing clear, concise, and straightforward.
  • Recognize the average reading level for most audiences.
  • Identify commonly overused words.
  • Recognize how strong verbs can help avoid passive writing.
  • Explore the benefits of deleting extra words.
  • Define “weasel words.”
Мишень для дартса с двумя дротиками, попавшими в 6 и 9.
Учебный планОзнакомься с программой курса.
Writing clearly
Your writing
Make writing clear and plain
Revise for easy understanding
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  • Judy Steiner-Williams
    Senior lecturer at Kelley Business School
    A teacher of writing and business communication in English. During her 30-plus year tenure at Indiana University, Judy has taught both students and support staff.
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