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Two people in shirts are sitting at a table with their laptops open and writing with pencils in a notebook. There are also two pens on the table.


In the world of data analytics, you’re consistently presented with the same decision when it comes to how you’ll communicate your data and insights. For each project, you need to decide whether to use a dashboard or tell a data story. In this course, business intelligence architect Sara Anstey provides you with the necessary information you need to make this decision with confidence. First, Sara covers the fundamentals of making decisions with data and shares how the role of a data analyst makes this possible for organizations. She then dives into the topics of data science dashboards and data storytelling, highlighting the pros and cons of each and providing the details you need to determine which approach is right for you. Sara closes by recapping key concepts, leaving you prepared to pick between each of these options with ease and intentionality.

This course was created by Madecraft.

Plan de estudios Revisa los temas tratados en el curso.
The value of data
Dashboards vs. data stories
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  • Sara Anstey
    Data analytics consultant
    A business intelligence architect at Novacoast Inc who has experience in custom web development, artificial intelligence, data analytics, business intelligence, and applied statistics.
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