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Two people in shirts are sitting at a table with their laptops open and writing with pencils in a notebook. There are also two pens on the table.


Let’s face it. Grammar matters, regardless of what anyone says. Good grammar improves the clarity of your writing, enhances critical thinking skills, and increases a reader’s confidence in your writing and ideas. But are you really supposed to memorize every single rule? No, but you do need to be careful to avoid common mistakes.

In this course, instructor Mignon Fogarty gives you an overview of the basics of grammar and shows you how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes. Learn about the different parts of speech, possessive rules, lookalikes and soundalikes, the difference between writing versus spelling numbers, pronoun usage, clausal structure, and more. Along the way, discover tricks and techniques for using proper punctuation, distinguishing between passive and active voice, and applying parallel structure to sentences to communicate your message more effectively.

Plan de estudios Revisa los temas tratados en el curso.
Adverbs and adjectives
Conjunctions and prepositions
Sentence structure
Common problems
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  • Mignon Fogarty
    Founder of “Quick and Dirty Tips” network and “Grammar girl”
    A writer, entrepreneur, and former journalism professor who hosts the award-winning “Grammar Girl” podcast. She holds a BA in English from the University of Washington in Seattle and an MS in biology from Stanford University.
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