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Just as public speaking is a skill that you can hone through practice, good listeners aren’t in possession of a special, unattainable gift — careful listening is a skill that you can learn. In this course, join career expert Dorie Clark as she helps uncover why it's hard to listen well, and how to develop the mindset of a good listener. She also provides multiple listening strategies to help you manage when you’re the one not being listened to, how to keep yourself from interrupting, and how to listen to what’s not being said. In addition, she explains how to let others know that they’ve been heard, and how to listen with patience when you don’t feel engaged with someone.

Plan de estudios Revisa los temas tratados en el curso.
Laying the groundwork for listening
Listening well, even when it’s hard
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  • Dorie Clark
    Professor of business administration and published author
    An adjunct professor at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. A former presidential campaign spokeswoman, Dorie was described by the New York Times as an “expert at self-reinvention and helping others make changes in their lives.”
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