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Python is one of the most commonly used dynamic languages for many large organizations, including Google, Yahoo and IBM. Supported on all major operating systems, it comes pre-installed on Macs, as well as most Linux and Unix-based systems. In this course, senior software engineer Ryan Mitchell guides you through all the essentials of learning and using Python. Learn how computers think, as well as how to install Python, pip, and Jupyter Notebook and the basics of writing a program. Explore variables and types, operators, functions, classes, objects, and more. Go over basic data types like ints and floats, Booleans, and strings. Deep dive into basic data structures, control flow, functions, classes, and objects. Find out how to handle errors and exceptions, as well as threads and processes. Plus, discover how to work with different types of files in Python, pass command-line arguments to your Python script, and create modules and packages.

Plan de estudios Revisa los temas tratados en el curso.
Gearing up for Python
Basic data types
Basic data structures
Control flow
Classes and objects
Threads and processes
Working with Files
Packaging Python
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  • Ryan Mitchell
    Senior software engineer at GLG
    An expert in web scraping, web security, and data science who holds a master’s degree in software engineering from Harvard University Extension School and creates data analysis tools.
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