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Two people in shirts are sitting at a table with their laptops open and writing with pencils in a notebook. There are also two pens on the table.


In this course, author and senior Kelley School of Business lecturer Judy Steiner-Williams shows you tips and techniques for responding to a “request for proposal” (RFP) and for crafting a well-conceived proposal from scratch. Using an actual RFP and real-life proposals, Judy emphasizes what elements to include in your own response. She also helps you understand the four proposal types, and how to gather research, anticipate potential questions and objections, and follow up successfully. With Judy’s help, you’ll be able to navigate the competitive and sometimes tedious world of proposals and write stronger submissions with a higher rate of acceptance.

Objetivos de aprendizaje

  • Cite the general purpose of RFP.
  • Create a plan for asking questions.
  • Explain the best way to understand the reader.
  • Differentiate between external solicited and external unsolicited proposals.
  • Identify the prefactory parts of a proposal.
  • Apply the appropriate rules for writing a proposal.
  • Construct a reader-friendly proposal design.
  • Select appropriate visuals for a proposal.
A dartboard with two darts hitting 6 and 9.
Plan de estudios Revisa los temas tratados en el curso.
Understanding the proposal
Types of proposals
Responding to an RFP
Customizing the proposal
What to include
Following up
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  • Judy Steiner-Williams
    Senior lecturer at Kelley Business School
    A teacher of writing and business communication in English. During her 30-plus year tenure at Indiana University, Judy has taught both students and support staff.
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