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Дві людини в сорочках сидять за столом з відкритими ноутбуками і пишуть олівцями в блокноті. На столі також лежать дві ручки.


Teams that embrace an agile mindset are often better able to respond to customer feedback and shifting business needs — and have a bit more fun in the process. Interested in bringing the principles of agile to your team? This course can help. Join Doug Rose as he steps through the fundamental concepts you need to know to start thinking like an agile team. Doug goes over the values and principles covered in the agile manifesto, as well as how to enhance communication with user stories and cross-functional teams. Discover how to respond to change the agile way, explore popular agile frameworks, and learn about the common roles on an agile team. Along the way, Doug provides you with some exercises that can help boost your team’s agility and productivity.

Цілі навчання

  • Recognize inhibitors that have a significant impact when managing an agile team.
  • Define the “agile manifesto.”
  • Recall the structure of a cross-functional team.
  • Determine what should be included in user stories.
  • Apply the 80/20 rule to determine the priority of highest value items.
  • List two agile principles that guide the team to stay within time structures while remaining flexible enough to adapt to change.
  • Name a disadvantage of the waterfall approach.
Мішень для дартсу з двома дротиками, що потрапили в 6 і 9.
Навчальний планОзнайомся з програмою курсу.
Modern software development
Have an Agile mindset
Individuals and interactions
Deliver working software
Respond to change
Popular Agile frameworks
Improve customer collaboration
Start an Agile transformation
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  • Doug Rose
    Teaching Fortune 500s and professionals how to lead change
    A coach, trainer, and change manager who is also a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), Agile Certified Professional (PMI-ACP), Certified ScrumMaster (CSM), Certified Scrum Professional (CSP), and CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+), as well as a Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop (CCHD).
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