Огляд професії
In this business analyst overview, we explore the role of a specialist who acts as a link between customers and development teams, translating stakeholder requirements into a language developers can understand. Their work is crucial to project success. Contrary to past beliefs, one doesn't need a tech background to thrive in this mostly “non-tech” IT field. All it takes is a willingness to learn and the right guidance.
The key responsibilities of a business analyst include:
- Performing analysis and design of the technical systems, business models, processes, and strategic business needs.
- Assisting in process implementation, managing projects, and identifying market opportunities for clients.
- Understanding the current state of a business organization and identifying future needs.
Здатність аналізувати та покращувати бізнес-процеси.
Уміння знаходити спільну мову з людьми й налагоджувати плавні робочі процеси та роботу з клієнтами.
Досвід роботи в певній сфері бізнесу для більш точного розуміння проєктів, мови та очікувань клієнтів.