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Your organization’s landscape is constantly changing, as are markets, consumer preferences, and the economy in general. You may have solid plans in place, but when the unexpected strikes, you may be forced to pivot and re-evaluate your options. In this course, innovation and business strategy expert Jim Belfiore shows you how to use the incredibly simple yet powerful SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) methodology to evaluate your company’s footing and develop a strategic business plan. Jim shares how to leverage strengths, convert weaknesses, use opportunities, and neutralize threats to bolster your business. In addition, he explains how to use SWOT analysis for personal and organizational growth and drive positive change in yourself and your organization.

This course was created by Madecraft.

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SWOT analysis to action
Use cases
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  • Jim Belfiore
    CEO at Sensorinus
    An Innovation Master Black Belt and a TRIZ Associate from the Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies. Prior to founding Sensorinus in 2019, he was a managing director of client innovation services at IHS Markit, via its acquisition of Invention Machine Corporation.
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