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DevOps is not a framework or a workflow. It’s a culture that is overtaking the business world. DevOps ensures collaboration and communication between software engineers (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). With DevOps, changes make it to production faster. Resources are easier to share. And large-scale systems are easier to manage and maintain.

In this course, well-known DevOps practitioners Ernest Mueller and James Wickett provide an overview of the DevOps movement, focusing on the core value of CAMS (culture, automation, measurement, and sharing). They cover the various methodologies and tools an organization can adopt to transition into DevOps, looking at both agile and lean project management principles and how old-school principles like ITIL, ITSM, and SDLC fit within DevOps.

The course concludes with a discussion of the three main tenants of DevOps — infrastructure automation, continuous delivery, and reliability engineering — as well as some additional resources and a brief look into what the future holds as organizations transition from the cloud to serverless architectures.

Цілі навчання

  • Distinguish between the DevOps practice levels, values, and principles.
  • Analyze where best practices should be applied.
  • Interpret how best to manage cultural issues within a team and an organization.
  • Explain how lean is used as part of the DevOps building blocks.
  • Apply different approaches for automating infrastructure.
  • Articulate how continuous integration practices and quality assurance play a role in continuous delivery.
  • Explain the different components of reliability for engineering’s design operations.
  • Describe the available resources to learn or apply DevOps.
Мішень для дартсу з двома дротиками, що потрапили в 6 і 9.
Навчальний планОзнайомся з програмою курсу.
DevOps basics
DevOps: a culture problem
The building blocks of DevOps
Infrastructure automation
Continuous delivery
Reliability engineering
Additional DevOps resources
The future of DevOps
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  • Ernest Mueller
    Director of engineering at Six Nines IT
    An expert who has been working in technology and technology management for 25+ years, in both enterprises and startups. He has been a web developer, operations engineer, product manager, and engineering director.
  • James Wickett
    Security engineer and supporter of rugged software and DevSecOps
    A speaker on software engineering topics ranging from security to development practices; the creator and founder of the Lonestar Application Security Conference, which is the largest annual security conference in Austin, TX.
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