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Continuous delivery is one of the major DevOps practice areas. By continuously building, testing, and delivering your code, you can reap huge stability, speed, and flexibility benefits. In this course, learn about continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), and see how these concepts work in practice by constructing your own build pipeline. Throughout the course, instructors James Wickett and Ernest Mueller discuss elements of the pipeline as they show how to take an app written in the Golang programming language from development to production. They walk through version control, building artifacts, unit testing, and deployment, demonstrating common practices and tools along the way. They conclude with some practical advice on CI/CD best practices and common pitfalls, workarounds, and compromises that you may encounter on your journey to continuous delivery.

Цілі навчання

  • Explore how to utilize continuous delivery.
  • Identify the different components of the DevOps pipeline.
  • Recognize the importance and uses of version control.
  • Determine different tools used for CI and CD.
  • Recognize different terminology used with a DevOps pipeline.
  • Explore the different methods for software testing and best practices.
Мішень для дартсу з двома дротиками, що потрапили в 6 і 9.
Навчальний планОзнайомся з програмою курсу.
Continuous integration and continuous delivery
Build your own pipeline
Putting it all together
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  • Ernest Mueller
    Director of engineering at Six Nines IT
    An expert who has been working in technology and technology management for 25+ years, in both enterprises and startups. He has been a web developer, operations engineer, product manager, and engineering director.
  • James Wickett
    Security engineer and supporter of rugged software and DevSecOps
    A speaker on software engineering topics ranging from security to development practices; the creator and founder of the Lonestar Application Security Conference, which is the largest annual security conference in Austin, TX.
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