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If you want to build applications for mobile devices, desktop computers, or the web, you need to know Java — and keep your knowledge up to date as the language evolves. Java 9 is changing quite a few important aspects of the programming workflow, particularly the handling of objects and APIs. This course is the second in the Java Essential Training series, which provides the foundation for learning Java 9. Instructor David Gassner starts by showing how to debug Java code in IntelliJ IDEA, and handle any exceptions that occur. He explains how to create custom classes and understand how Java implements inheritance, a core principle of object-oriented programming. Plus, learn how to store data in memory with the Java Collections Framework, extend Java with popular APIs, make network requests, and package your applications for deployment in JAR files.

Цілі навчання

  • Debugging Java code
  • Handling exceptions
  • Creating custom classes
  • Working with inheritance
  • Managing data collections
  • Using Java packages and libraries
  • Preparing a Java application for deployment
Мішень для дартсу з двома дротиками, що потрапили в 6 і 9.
Навчальний планОзнайомся з програмою курсу.
Exception handling and debugging
Create custom classes
Work with inheritance
Manage data collections
Use Java packages and libraries
Prepare a Java application for deployment
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  • David Gassner
    Author of 60+ video-based training courses for software developers
    A managing staff instructor for LinkedIn Learning’s technology team who has created over 120 video-based technical training courses for software developers, focusing most recently on Android development and a variety of programming languages, including Java, Kotlin, and Go.
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