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Are you interested in pursuing a career in data analytics? In this course, instructor Robin Hunt brings you into the mind of an analyst. She defines and explains foundational concepts, such as how to think about data, how to work with others in different roles to get the data you need, and the tools you need to work with data, such as Excel and Microsoft Access. She introduces you to SQL queries, PowerBI, and more. Robin goes into syntax and explains how to interpret the data you see, find the data you need, and clean the data for effective data work. She explains data governance and how to ask the right questions of different departments to gather the data you need. Robin shows how to work with data, including how to import data, work with flat files such as CSVs, and create datasets for others. Robin goes into what cleaning and modeling mean, as well as how to use Power Query in Excel. She has also added challenge/solution sets in each chapter to help you evaluate your skills.

Цілі навчання

  • Recognize the skills of a data analyst.
  • Apply SQL statements using the correct syntax.
  • Interpret existing data.
  • Explain how data is cleaned.
  • Demonstrate how to use joins.
  • Identify different types of data.
  • Describe how to model data.
Мішень для дартсу з двома дротиками, що потрапили в 6 і 9.
Навчальний планОзнайомся з програмою курсу.
Getting started with data analysis
Fundamentals of data understanding
Key elements to understand when starting data analysis
Getting started with a data project
Data importing, exporting, and connections
Applying common techniques for all data analysts
Getting started with data cleaning and modeling
Applying common techniques for all data analysts
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  • Robin Hunt
    Developer and educator
    An expert who is focused on process development, data management, and custom workflows. As a developer, she specializes in process development, data management, and customized workflow solutions. As an educator she loves all things social, data related, and searchable and analyzing them for better decision-making.
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