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Automated testing relies on scripting and frameworks like Selenium to prove that products work as expected. Test automation is an enormous time-saver, and it’s crucial to continuous integration, continuous delivery, and agile software development. If you’re employed in QA, DevOps, or IT, you need to know the basics. This course covers the foundations of test automation, as well as different strategies for implementation. QA engineer Meaghan Lewis explains what kinds of tests to use, how to choose the right test tools, and how to plan and execute test automation projects. She also describes strategies to maintain automation over time: adding new tests, updating old tests, and resolving failures.

Цілі навчання

  • The test pyramid
  • Unit, integration, and UI tests
  • Creating an automation strategy
  • Choosing test tools
  • Deciding what to automation
  • Identifying the risks and cost of automation
  • Implementing test automation
  • Using continuous integration
  • Measuring code coverage
Мішень для дартсу з двома дротиками, що потрапили в 6 і 9.
Навчальний планОзнайомся з програмою курсу.
Test types
How to approach automation
Testing tools
Decide what to automate
Adopt test automation
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  • Meaghan Lewis
    Technical program manager at Microsoft
    A professional who currently focuses on creating and delivering learning experiences centered around emerging technology. She has a superpower in quality engineering and has worked in the QA field for nearly a decade, working at GitHub, startups, and at a tech consultancy.
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