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Whether you’re designing anything from a personal blog site or portfolio to an ecommerce website, always keep in mind: A good user experience will make users stay on your site, while a bad one will make them look elsewhere. In this course, Chris Nodder teaches you how to apply some simple interaction design principles to your site to make it behave in the way that users expect and enjoy. Chris covers the key things people want from web sites, how they search for information, how they read online, and how to structure your content to take advantage of this. He shows you how to use graphics to help rather than hinder visitors, how to integrate video, audio, and other media, and when to consider interactive rather than static content. He also discusses the importance of seeing your site’s home page, forms, product pages and content through users’ eyes in order to build a site that better meets their needs.

Навчальний планОзнайомся з програмою курсу.
What makes a good web user experience?
Creating good content
Using media to help tell your story
Balancing adverts and content
Site layout
Category and landing pages
Detail and product pages
Good design practice
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  • Chris Nodder
    User researcher, interaction design specialist, author
    A user researcher, interaction design specialist, a coach of Fortune 500 clients, and the founder of Chris Nodder Consulting LLC, an agile user experience company that helps large organizations and lean startups build products that users love.
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