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UX research helps a business through saving development or process costs, increasing customer happiness and loyalty, and uncovering opportunities to earn more. In this course, Amanda Stockwell shows you practical techniques to improve your UX research to better inform fast-moving projects. Get an overview of different types of research methodologies, usability tests, and conducting interviews. Review card sorts, eye tracking, multivariate testing, and desirability testing. Go over the best uses of expert reviews, surveys, diary studies, participatory design workshops, and personas. Learn how to choose the right research method for your goals, then dive into environmental considerations, such as in-house vs. external, agile vs. waterfall, and more. Find out how to plan and execute effective research, and then explore the best ways to analyze and present your findings.

Навчальний планОзнайомся з програмою курсу.
Research overview
Choosing the right research method
Environmental considerations
Planning effective research
Executing effective research
Analyzing and presenting your findings
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  • Amanda Stockwell
    President of Stockwell Strategy
    A professional who focuses on integrating user knowledge with business goals to create holistic product strategies for businesses large and small. She has led teams that provide research, design, and UX strategy services, and frequently writes and speaks about her experiences.
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