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Дві людини в сорочках сидять за столом з відкритими ноутбуками і пишуть олівцями в блокноті. На столі також лежать дві ручки.


Writing email is a vital and often overlooked part of professional communication. When you use proven strategies for writing great messages, people enjoy working with you and are eager to cooperate on shared goals — all of which helps you get recognized and get ahead at work. In this short course, Mignon Fogarty shows you how to transform your messages with confident writing and insights into how readers experience your emails on a human level. Discover how to write a compelling opening, how to make sure your messages get opened, how to message the right people at the right time, and more to up your game and write powerful, effective messages.

Цілі навчання

  • Review the importance of clearly stating the purpose of an email.
  • Identify the most effective ways to use the subject line of an email.
  • Describe the process of writing an effective email to customers.
  • List the differences in the punctuation used when writing emails for various audiences.
  • Explain the importance of confidentiality in email messaging.
Мішень для дартсу з двома дротиками, що потрапили в 6 і 9.
Навчальний планОзнайомся з програмою курсу.
Email philosophy
Email structure
The written message
Email etiquette
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  • Mignon Fogarty
    Founder of “Quick and Dirty Tips” network and “Grammar girl”
    A writer, entrepreneur, and former journalism professor who hosts the award-winning “Grammar Girl” podcast. She holds a BA in English from the University of Washington in Seattle and an MS in biology from Stanford University.
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