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How to work with Amazon Kinesis Producer Library

A comprehensive tutorial on using Amazon Kinesis Producer Library from EPAM’s Software Engineer Erick Romero.

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In this quick tutorial, we will learn how to send data to Amazon Kinesis using Amazon Kinesis Producer Library (KPL).

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What is Amazon Kinesis?

Amazon Kinesis is a service that allows you to ingest real-time data and analyze streaming data at any scale.

What is Amazon Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) based on?

This library is based on the Amazon SDK client but contains new features, such as asynchronous calls and an optimized way of sending data and handling errors.

Amazon Kinesis example: working with KPL

For this Amazon Kinesis example, we’ll need the following tools:

  • JDK 17
  • Gradle 7++
  • A personal AWS account to create the data stream and access key
  • Your IDE (I recommend IntelliJ IDEA)

First off, we’re going to download this repository with all the required dependencies to save some time.

1. Open the downloaded project in your IntelliJ Idea and move to develop the branch. Run the command gradle clean build in your terminal to check if the project is compiling.

step 1 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

2. Let’s check if our application is also running, so run the Gradle bootRun command in the internal terminal of IntelliJ:

step 2 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

3. Now it’s time to create our Kinesis data stream.

  • Let’s log into your AWS console.
  • Once you’re logged in, we’re going to create a new user to get access and a secret key to interact with AWS from our computers.
  • Go to IAM and click on Users, adding any name you want that matches AWS naming convention rules.
  • Click next.

step 3 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

In this case, we need to add some permissions for our user:

  • Select the Attach policies directly option (this is not recommended, but we’ll do it for the sake of this demo) and look up Kinesis in the search bar. Select AmazonKinesisFullAccess and click next.

step 4 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

  • Review and create:

step 5 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

Now, we’re going to create and access the key and the secret key:

  • Select the previously created user and go to the Security credentials tab. Click on Create access key.

step 6 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

step 7 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

step 8 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

  • Copy and paste the keys into a secure notepad because we’ll use them later.
  • Go to the AWS console and search for Kinesis. Select the Kinesis Data Streams and click on the Create data Stream button.
  • Add a name for the Kinesis data stream.

step 9 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

I chose aws-data-stream as a name before clicking on create data stream.

We should see something like this:

step 10 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

4. We already have the AWS configuration, so now it’s time to add the necessary code to produce some data in the Kinesis data stream.

  • Implement the CommandLineRunner interface in our SpringBootApplication class to execute some code when the app starts:

The Amazon Kinesis Producer Library code part 1

  • Create a config package and a config class with four beans, which will help us to configure the Amazon KPL library.

    kinesisProducer, kinesisProducerConfiguration, objectMapper, futureCallback.

The Amazon Kinesis Producer Library code part 2.1

The Amazon Kinesis Producer Library code part 2.2

We’ll call these beans later when we want to interact with KPL.

5. Create a record that will be used to create objects and send it to Amazon Kinesis. Create a package model and add the next code:

The Amazon Kinesis Producer Library code part 3

6. Go back to the KplKinesisLibraryApplication and inject the respective beans to interact with KPL like so:

The Amazon Kinesis Producer Library code part 4

  • Add the @RequiredArgsConstructor and @Slf4j annotation from Lombok.
  • Add the code in our run method from the CommanLineRunner interface.

First, we need to add the next code to serialize the object to string like this:

The Amazon Kinesis Producer Library code part 5

The same goes for this code:

The Amazon Kinesis Producer Library code part 6

This code will use the method addUserRecord() from KPL to send the data, and the Future.addCallback() will allow you to create an asynchronous code and wait for the response from the server and treat it as you want.

Finally, the method flushSync() will empty the cache with the final streams to be processed and stop the deamon child process.

7. When we have all the applications ready, we need to add the following environment variables in our IntelliJ IDEA and pass a region, the access key, and the secret key that we already saved before:

step 11 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

8. We’re going to execute the application, and we should see a log to check if the message was sent successfully.

step 12 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

Let’s copy the generated sequence number from the log and go to the AWS kinesis dashboard -> Data viewer. Select the Shard box where the message was stored. In the Starting position select At sequence number, enter the number and click on the Get records option.

step 13 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

You should see the following message in the partition key:

step 14 in the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library example

Now you know how to interact with Amazon Kinesis Producer Library to create asynchronous data stream flows.

This was a quick AWS Kinesis example, and you can also use it to send a million messages in an asynchronous way, with Amazon KPL being able to handle them.

This is the final demo.

Make sure to remove all the services that you used because you might run into unexpected charges.

Thanks for reading and happy coding!

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