Benefits of Kotlin in backend for Java programmers
Every year, EPAM holds a global, virtual conference at which modern trends, solutions, and innovations in the tech world are discussed. We are now offering access to one of the presentations* from Compass-2021 exclusively for Anywhere Club members.
Learn how to create Android apps with Kotlin in our article.
Published in Tech matters12 October 2023
Wojciech Jaworski, Kotlin Developer:
This presentation discusses the benefits to Java programmers of working with Kotlin in the backend.

This video is only available to Anywhere Club members
* The following was recorded at an EPAM Systems, Inc., event and contains information which, at the time of its presentation, was confidential. EPAM Systems, Inc., is the sole owner of this video and its contents, including, without limitation, any presentations or information presented. This video contains proprietary information and is being delivered to you for the specific purpose, and subject to the terms and conditions, as agreed between you and EPAM Systems, Inc. This video is protected under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries, and any unauthorized duplication, distribution, or exhibition of this video or its contents may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.
Learn how the story of Kotlin began
Watch the documentary “Beyond the Success of Kotlin” by the EngX Community team.