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Best React projects for a portfolio: from ideas to standout examples

Discover best React projects for portfolio enhancement and get inspired with project ideas to craft your shining portfolio.

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React developer jobs

If you're building or editing your portfolio before applying for React developer jobs and not sure what to include, you aren't alone. There are tons of potential projects you can add to your portfolio, and each of them varies based on difficulty and specialization. Regardless of your preferences, this article will inspire you with potential project ideas.

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How React project portfolios help job seekers

Why should you bother creating a React project portfolio? In short, any professional React developer needs to prove their experience. An easy way to prove yourself is through a display of previous projects.

A good react portfolio project showcases your skills for potential careers. You might've made an app that's exactly what a business is looking for. However, hiring teams will rarely reach out without some evidence of skill. By seeing a series of React apps in your portfolio, companies will likely find something that fits their needs.

Best React project ideas for your portfolio

To help you decide on the right project, you'll find a series of different portfolio project options that you can choose from. These projects are sorted into different experience levels, helping you decide based on what fits your skills.

7 beginner React projects for a portfolio

Beginners, like those with less than three years of experience, are still building on their understanding of React's basics. Here is a list of potential skills a beginner React developer might work on during their early stages and that are typically found in :

  • HTML, CSS, and Javascript
  • Basic data structures
  • Array methods
  • Classes
  • React hooks
  • JSX structure and elements
  • Retrieving and storing user data (like from APIs)
  • State management
  • Routing (through React Router)

When working on your first React app, stick to smaller projects. As a beginner, understanding the fundamentals is crucial to get started.

Here are a few apps you might develop:

1. To-do apps

A simple to-do list application is a great React project to start with. Here are the skills you can display through this kind of app:

  • A basic understanding of CSS, HTML, and Javascript
  • Simple creation of different app components and state management
  • Simple styling using CSS

To-do apps are relatively simple to start with, helping you develop your React skills. Thankfully, you can return to this app to add new features based on your current understanding.

2. Image carousels

Image carousels display a series of images users can easily rotate through. You can use these carousels to display different parts of your portfolio. Here are some skills you develop by working on this project:

  • State management (through useState)
  • Different conditions depending on the location of each image
  • Using .map() to help render images
  • Styling through CSS

Image carousels are small portions of a website, meaning they are great as reusable React components. Many of these project ideas can also be used in larger projects, such as building whole websites.

3. Accordion FAQs

FAQs are another portion of a website that provides simple useful answers to site visitors. Accordion FAQs, in particular, react to clicks to expand or collapse sections.

  • Like with image carousels, these are great for state management
  • Using conditional operators to display or hide content
  • Passing text data through components using props

FAQs can also be found across multiple websites, making them a great project to showcase how your simple apps respond to simple user input (like clicks).

4. Quote generators

Quote generators grab random quotes from a database, relying on external APIs. By developing generators, here are some skills you can develop and further showcase them in portfolio website:

  • Making HTTP requests
  • Managing asynchronous data
  • Displaying your knowledge of the useEffect hook
  • Updating the state based on the fetched data

5. Simple expense trackers

Expense trackers are another project that can showcase your skills in handling user input. In this case, the input gathers data using forms, and calculations are developed based on this data.

A simple expense tracker can also display transaction history, showing off how useful your developing skills are. Projects like these are also great if you want to create simple user interfaces.

6. Simple search engines

Simple search engines rely on existing databases (external APIs) to make it easy to find and filter data. As many of the projects discussed, your ability to start integrating external APIs is helpful across many career fields. By creating an app that draws from a database, you can make a useful app showing how you handle user input and render results.

7. Your portfolio website

One of the most helpful personal projects you can work on is your own site portfolio. Many of the smaller projects on this list, like your image carousels and accordions, can be used to improve your portfolio website.

As you build your frontend and backend development skills, you can return to your website to add new features. Your website is an excellent and simple way to showcase your skills as a beginner or veteran React developer.

7 intermediate React portfolio projects

As you begin to get more experience as a React developer, you can showcase more complicated skills that include features like user authentication. In fact, you can consider building modern web applications at this stage.

1. A social media app

A simple social media platform, such as a clone of Instagram or Twitter, is a great way to explore more advanced forms of what a React app can be. While your simple social media app shouldn't be as complex as Facebook, it can still include these features:

  • Using Firebase or other services for user authentication
  • Displaying and uploading images
  • Building a feed of different posts
  • Creating a system for likes and comments
  • Using React Native to build app-based user interfaces

A social media React app can be as complex or simple as you build it. As a result, it's a great transition from starting to more complex projects.

2. An e-commerce website

An e-commerce website integrates a wide range of user interactions, including product cards, shopping carts, and checkout forms. With all the different ways to display data, an e-commerce site is a great start to more complex web development projects.

  • User authentication (like through Firebase)
  • Fetching product data from APIs
  • Handling user input (checkouts, carts, etc.)

Like your portfolio website, an e-commerce website is a great way to showcase your work with APIs, interactive components, and clean user interfaces. Among these React project ideas, e-commerce websites can be complex and satisfying to complete.

3. A real-time chat app

Chat apps, like social media apps, are great ways to display various React skills. These could include user authentication, real-time communication, and the storage and retrieval of messages. Because these are standalone apps, chat apps can also be a great example of React Native.

Like many of these React project ideas, chat apps can be as complex or simple as needed. At this level, a solid understanding of React can help you appeal to potential companies that work on their own chat apps.

4. A music player

The key features behind a music player include audio playback controls and the ability to fetch music data. It can then show these with a playback display and a progress bar. A music player is also a great way to showcase your UI creation abilities.

These days, music players also include user authentication features, thanks to streaming services like Spotify and Pandora. By combining chat apps or other project ideas, you can contribute to very large companies.

5. An online quiz app

An online quiz app is one of the simpler intermediate React project ideas on this list for creating multiple-choice questions, different categories, and scoring. You can also implement social sharing features and integrate them with external APIs, helping build your React library.

Online quiz apps can also display your ability to manage user authentication. These users can be sorted on a leaderboard of fellow quiz takers, creating a competitive social aspect. Almost any React app can find some usefulness from these features, making it a great potential application.

6. An analytics tracking app

An analytics tracking app similar to Google Analytics is a great tool for tracking metrics. It's also an excellent way to show off your data visualization skills (such as Chart.js or D3.js).

An analytics tracking app isn't limited to data you get from a website. Sometimes, you can gather data from social media apps, finance trackers, or any of your other apps. However, analytics-tracking apps that rely on external APIs are in high demand, as evidenced by tools like Moz, Hubspot, and Ahrefs.

7. Productivity apps

Productivity apps, such as Motion or Trello, are the more advanced versions of to-do lists. Inspiring yourself with these well-known project management tools can give you some great ideas. Leveraging this inspiration helps you understand advanced state management (like through Redux and React Context).

Categorizing, sorting, and labeling tasks are just part of this project idea. These apps can include file-sharing features, drag-and-drop functionality (through Kanban boards), and a built-in search engine to find and sort through these tasks. These projects can also showcase your ability to create different types of user interfaces.

5 advanced React projects for a portfolio

With smaller, intermediate projects out of the way, you can tackle larger, more complex projects. This assumes you've gained a few years of experience at this point. Concepts such as using real-time data and more complex external API databases should be comfortable at this point.

Advanced projects combine aspects of multiple smaller projects, like user authentication and analytics features. Below, you'll find some more advanced projects.

1. A complete e-commerce platform

A complete, functional e-commerce platform is a massive undertaking. However, these undertakings sometimes lead to the creation of the next Woocommerce or Whether your goal is to build the next great platform or find a high-paying job, this is an excellent challenge.

E-commerce platforms rely on advanced state management, integration across multiple payment gateways, and optimizing site performance to handle large product lists. It also manages user accounts and the secure storage of vast amounts of data.

Because of the complexity of these massive platforms, a project like this could take months or years to complete. However, your ability to manage these large-scale projects (typically done with a team) is an excellent display of your skills as a React developer and a leader.

2. A content management system

Content management systems (CMS) manage the production of website content. Some of the most popular examples include WordPress, Webflow, Wix, and Squarespace. Since these systems are used to build websites, they are much more complex than any other website.

For example, a CMS includes a custom admin panel to access backend site controls. These admin panels include role-based access controls and integrations with major databases. As a result, this project relies heavily on backend development, something we've only covered lightly in other projects.

Some CMS tools include drag-and-drop functionality, like Wix and Squarespace. These tools rely heavily on web development aspects across the React ecosystem. So, a CMS development project requires mastery of many tools.

3. Blockchain data explorers

Blockchain explorers gather data on multiple databases, gathering data from the Bitcoin or Ethereum networks. Consider this a more advanced form of the expense tracker we mentioned earlier, only for very specific purposes. The blockchain connects with concepts related to Web 3.0 and cryptocurrency.

Building a blockchain data explorer requires strong knowledge of both blockchain and React concepts. This means relying on a number of external APIs. You might also include data visualization aspects, like tables, line graphs, and other data points to help visualize transaction histories.

4. Collaborative drawing apps

Among the more unique React JS projects you might consider building is a collaborative drawing app. This is a more manageable project than a whole e-commerce platform, but it still helps you demonstrate your skills when managing canvas state changes in a real-time environment.

Tools like WebSockets can handle real-time collaboration. Multiple brushes, an example of a more advanced form of user input, can also be implemented. This could feasibly be developed alongside other web-based applications, such as user authentication and account data management.

5. A meme generator

A meme generator is a unique combination of form submissions and image management, providing an excellent way to teach you how to manage state changes. While at least one meme generator exists on the internet, nothing is preventing you from taking a unique spin on it.

For example, let's say you wanted to allow people to find and create memes that originate from where they live. You could allow them to access an interactive map, showing them popular memes from their country or territory. You can then click a generate button on this map to add a random quote on this meme.

The point is to be creative when showing off your skills. Take inspiration from existing projects without copying them outright, adding your own twist and personality to them.

How to build your React portfolio projects

So, now that you have a few projects to consider, which ones should you pick? Answering this question will define the projects, goals, and themes you stick with. Here are some tips when considering your different portfolio projects:

  • Define your goals: Ask yourself the goal of your career and portfolio. If you're passionate about music, build a music app with social media features. If you love visual design, delve into React's CSS and user interface building as a frontend developer. Pick projects connected to your passions.
  • Pick a theme(s): When you first start developing portfolio projects, choose areas you're passionate about. You want projects on subjects you enjoy, and that will reflect in your work. If you pick multiple unrelated projects, sort them into different themes for your website.
  • Think like a professional: When you build your apps, functionality is one aspect you must consider. However, you should also consider visual engagement during the development process. By developing your apps with other users in mind, you'll understand why it's important to build complete projects.

Whether you're building your first or 17th React project, revisiting your goals and themes can help. Consider these factors whenever you're thinking of your next project idea.

How to present your React portfolio projects to potential employers

Whether attracting potential clients or finding a new job, you'll want to make sure your projects are easy to grasp. A visually appealing, user-friendly portfolio is like your first impression. It should be just as pretty as any web application or app you develop.

  • Choose a website layout: A website layout, like those you find on WordPress, can make it easy to keep your website visually consistent. Consistency is a valued trait when making your website easier to navigate, which also contributes to your design concerns.
  • Implement responsive design: Potential hiring teams might access both your desktop and mobile websites. Responsive design principles enable the site to switch easily between mobile and desktop views.
  • Create reusable components: Reusable components are an important part of React development and your website. For your website, reusable components on your project pages dictate how you built the app, what it improved, and where users can find the app. Be sure you have permission to share the code if your app is currently on the market.

Your website's secondary goals include more complex aspects of website development and management, such as search engine optimization or blog creation. Try not to overwhelm yourself with too many projects at once. Instead, stick with what's simple.

This means focusing more on making your website user-friendly and sorting your projects into different categories. It is much more important to make your website appealing to visitors through design and content. Once you handle these, you can consider improving your website.


A React development portfolio can be the difference between you getting and not getting a job. This includes the ability to manage state changes, create duplicate React components, and leverage external APIs.

Whether you start with a simple to-do list or an image carousel, it won't take long before you build more complex projects. Modern web applications and entire e-commerce platforms aren't too far away with enough work.

But it takes time to develop your skills, so be patient with yourself and start small. We hope this article helps you when considering project ideas for your React portfolio.

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