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What does a cosmetologist do in IT

OnSkin is an application that decodes cosmetic ingredients and provides science-backed safety evaluations of cosmetic products. A team is responsible for the operation of the application, including a cosmetologist. Science Team Lead at AIBY Group, Sofya-Valeryia Aparovich, explained how she got into IT because of her love of cosmetology and offered some tips on how to get into IT if you are far from a programmer.

Sofya-Valeryia Aparovich, Science Team Lead at AIBY Group

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The beginning of the path

— I graduated from medical college with a degree in Medical Care. While studying at medical college, I began to be interested in skincare products and its ingredients. But it was more of a hobby; this was how my interest in chemistry and biology manifested itself. Later, when I entered the university, I wanted to go even deeper into the study of biochemistry. By the end of my second year, I realized that my hobby could grow into something more and actually become my profession.

Now, I am constantly improving my knowledge, since the industry does not stand still. I attend various seminars covering more than 20 subject areas, from cosmetic chemistry to hardware cosmetology.

In parallel with my studies, I graduated from the courses required for a cosmetologist-aesthetician and got a job in a beauty salon. I worked there for 1.5 years before leaving as the result of a change of residence.

Log in to IT

— I've only been in IT since July 2022. By chance, I noticed a vacancy for a “Cosmetologist” at AIBY and thought that this was a great chance to try something new for myself. It seemed unusual that a completely different skillset could be in demand in the IT sphere; and that it is not necessary to be able to program. After deciding that the vacancy was suitable for my professional skills, I applied.

I went through two interview stages, and I was offered a position in the company. I started working with the Onskin application, which decodes cosmetic ingredients and provides science-backed safety evaluation of cosmetic products. My task was to choose the most objective criteria for evaluating the safety of cosmetic ingredients. Now, I evaluate the ingredients according to these criteria to prepare the content of the application. To do this, I constantly study and analyze scientific sources from various countries. I enjoy feeling the value of my work, because now it is very difficult to choose among a huge number of cosmetics options. Health is important for all of us. Our health depends on many factors, including what we eat, what vitamins enter our bodies, and also on what cosmetics we use daily. It's nice to realize that, through my work, I am making a social contribution to the world. In addition, I am currently responding to requests from journalists and bloggers regarding home skin care, and the safety and effectiveness of individual ingredients. There is definitely enough work to keep me busy for a while.

Pros and cons of IT

— At the beginning of my journey into IT, it was all unfamiliar. This area is completely new to me. It was difficult to understand many of the terms and to learn how to use new working systems.

But I have an amazing team that has been very patient with the "computer newbie," so my adaptation took place quite gently.

In IT, you can work remotely and do what you like the most.

Tips on how to get into IT

— As my story shows, this area is very multifaceted and is not limited only to writing code. Now, there are many IT products of various types that are designed to simplify the lives of users in different areas. If your profession is not directly related to IT, but you want to try yourself in an IT career path, check out the solutions that help users in your field. Identify the developer company that creates those solutions, go to their website, check social networks, start following them or even write to them directly. Also, do not forget about maintaining your LinkedIn page and building the right network.

You can view the "classic" IT vacancies in the Work section.

Pick a position that works for you

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